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Universal Education Foundation

The Universal Education Foundation (UEF) is an advocacy foundation that works in co-creative partnerships towards Learning for Well-being with a spotlight on children and youth.

The education of children occurs both within the school environment and in every aspect of a child's life. Education is thus the responsibility of all and needs to be undertaken with greater awareness by the larger community. For the last 200 years, many prominent philosophers, writers and educators have criticized the form public schooling has taken, and insisted that education should be understood as the art of cultivating the moral, emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual dimensions of the developing child.

We believe that children who experience a greater sense of holistic well-being (physical, emotional, mental social and spiritual) and understand its components are:
•  more able to learn and assimilate information in effective ways;
•  more likely to engage in healthy and fulfilling social behaviors;
•  more likely to invest in their own and others' well being and in the sustainability of the planet, as they take up their social, professional and leadership roles in adulthood.

Legal Status:
UEF 'Learning for Well-being' is a foundation registered in The Netherlands and is active in Europe, the Middle-East and the USA.

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Elham Palestine

Elham Means to Inspire

Elham Palestine is a nationwide program extending throughout Gaza and the West Bank that aims at improving the physical, mental, psychological and social well-being of Palestinian children, and enhancing their learning environments to become more conducive for their well-being.

Elham stimulates, identifies, supports and disseminates innovative initiatives that "made a difference in children's life journey".

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Learning for Well-being Consortium of Foundations in Europe

The Consortium is developing a 'Learning for Well-being' Policy Glossary designed to provide the basis for a common conceptual understanding and guideline for policy makers at all levels in Europe. It is focusing across sectors (e.g. health, mental health, social affairs, education, etc.), draws on state-of-the-art and multidisciplinary research on well-being and, crucially, it will propose principles for policies and ideas about how to "make it happen". One aim is to help create that necessary shift in mindsets and practices that can better respond to the diversity of individuals and their learning processes, valuing the fulfilment of individual potential.

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The Learning for Well-being Youth Movement in Europe

The Learning for Well-being (L4WB) Youth Movement focuses on an inclusive perspective of well-being where youth and youth organisations come together in learner-centred co-creative partnerships. It creates partnership opportunities with local, national and European organisations in the youth field as well as activities that engage youth and policy makers in a meaningful and participatory way, towards 'well-being for all'.

We dream of seeing education and health care systems working with media, communities, national governments – indeed, with all of society – towards a shared vision of supporting human development, recognizing that well-being is its fundamental expression.

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Contact Us
Elham Palestine

web: www.elham.ps
Universal Education Foundation

Paris office
Gloria Arjomand
email: info@uef-learningforwellbeing@org

Brussels Office
Founding Chair and Executive Director:
Daniel Kropf
email: dkropf@dkropf.com
web: www.uef-learningforwellbeing.org

USA Office
Well-being Liaison
Linda O'Toole
email: LOToole1@earthlink.net

Learning for Well-being Consortium of Foundations in Europe

Jean Gordon, Director
European Institute of Education & Social Policy
email: gordon@eiesp.org
web: www.eiesp.org/site/pages/view/60-learning-for-well-being-consortium.html
The Learning for Well-being Youth Movement in Europe

Jean Anne Kennedy
email: jean@learningforwellbeingyouthmovement.org
web: www.learningforwellbeingyouthmovement.org
learning for well-being youth movement learning for well-being elham palestine learning for well-being consortium